
Green Statement

Warden’s is committed to doing our part to maintain a healthy environment, both locally and globally. From green practices in our offices to green products in our inventory, maintaining a high level of environmental responsibility is top priority.

In our own stores, we strive for green practices. At Warden’s recycled, used furniture operation in Modesto, CA, office furniture products that we cannot offer for resale are disassembled and recycled in an efficient and environmentally-friendly manner.

We also work hard to stay green with thoughtful vendor partnerships. Warden’s is very selective when developing vendor-partner relationships and is proud of the “Going Green” efforts undertaken by partners including HaworthHP3MMaverick Desk and Sanford Brands.

At Warden’s, we believe that we are all part of the local (and global) green community. Contact us today to find out more about Warden’s commitment to going green!